307 pages – Italian and English – ISBN 9798337941318 – Euro 30- Italian-English Giuseppe R.Brera ( edited by)
Presentations / Contributions
Piermario Biava, Giuseppe R.Brera, Flavio Della Croce, Richard Fiordo, Domenico Francomano , Vito Galante, Adriana Galvan, Paolo Garascia, Roy Kallivayalil, Mariangela Porta , Marco Pellegrini, Ettore Ruberti, Claudio Violato, Stefano Zecchi
Proceedings of the Educational Congress of 1 June 2024, held in Milan on 1 June 2024 with the sponsorship of the Ambrosiana University, the CNR of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescent Medicine, of the World Health Committee
Introduction to the Conference Giuseppe R.Brera Rector -Università Ambrosiana
The educational training in pedagogical, psychological, medical work with adolescents is still today fragmented into theories that separate in an epistemologically wrong way the spirit (the natural question of meaning of life) the emotional and cognitive symbolic world and biological variables, three dimensions in continuous interaction and that the person pilots, with choices that may be true or false for his good. This fragmentation and the cultural abolition of the idea of the objective truth existence, does not grasp the essence of the person and it is the basis of the bio-technological, psychological, sociological and spiritualist reductionism with devastating and pathogenic consequences. The psycho-bio technological reductionism is useful for the profit and social identity of professional roles to the detriment of the health of adolescents and in general of people and of misconceptions of health systems , health education courses and medical education. Kairology, a hermeneutic of human nature born in 1993 and the basis of the Person-centered theory of adolescence and teleonomic substance of the paradigm change of Medicine, Person-Centered Medicine, together with the interactionist progress of the biological sciences, has allowed to unify the interpretative theory of the development of the adolescent and the nature of the person, giving a great contribution to the awareness of the transcendent dignity of man and woman. The natural question to give a meaning to life, revealed by anthropoanalysis, requests the truth and freedom as necessary condition to answer and is the basis of the awareness of the moral substance of human nature, in all dimensions, based on the objective truth and revealed by God for the good of man to intelligent people.. The purpose of this conference, introductory to the courses of Milan School of Medicine of the Ambrosiana University which has in Adolescentology and Person-Centered Medicine, new paradigm that introduced in 1998, primary excellences pioneering in the world, is to further promote and teach the epistemological change about adolescence and Medicine. The understanding of being a human person and the method to organize knowledge is now essential by the clinical method, today still wrongly taught and applied because of the pandemic of epistemological illiteracy, and that must start from the “who” and not from the “thing” that makes the patient subject only of biological clinical diagnosis, as if he were not involved as a subject in pathogenesis and healing. because the interaction between subjectivity and biological reactions .In adolescence and old age , but in every age. this error is devastating and iatrogenic and only functional to profit In fact, being comes before every “doing” and every act, as St. John Paul II taught. The pragmatist relativism spread even in unthinkable environments, should not infect the teaching to clinical and educational activity, “Kairos” to improve the quality of being a true human person in education and care. This conference is an introduction to the International Congress:” Assisi 2025-Person-centered health and the resilient adolescent that will be presented by prof.Claudio Violato and Richard Fiordo. In this conference I will have the honor to present the candidacy by the Ambrosiana University of Prof. Mario Biava for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his discovery of the epigenetic code and the introduction of stem cell reprogramming which changed thr paradigm of clinical therapy, fundamental in the therapy of tumors and neuro-degenerative diseases, and opening a new time of clinical applications and interactionist research according to Person-Centered Medicine Summary
Introduction to the Conference Giuseppe R-Brera MD MA LD Mag-Rector Universita Ambrosiana (UA)-Director of the Milan School of Medicine,President of the World Health Committee
Greeting message from the Minister of Health of the Italian Republic Orazio Schillaci MD Professor
2.The person-centered medicine, paradigm of medicine and health sciences– Giuseppe R.Brera
2.1 The epistemological change of Medicine and the paradigm of Person-centered Medicine
2.2 The doctor- patient relationship and thePerson-centered clinical method
3. Nomination of Piermario Biava to Nobel Prize -Giuseppe R.Brera, Rector Universita Ambrosiana
4.The epigenetic code and the epigenetic reprogrammation of stem cells ; paradigm change of oncological and neuro-degenerative diseases therapy -Piermario Biava MD MA- Professor- Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
4.1 The systematic study of the code which organizes life: the epigenetic code
4.2The different activities of regulation of gene expression by the epigenetic code
4.3 A radical change in the scientific paradigm
5.Beauty and adolescence – Stefano Zecchi,professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
6.The adolescent as person. The person-centered theory of adolescence and the Kairological theory of human nature. Giuseppe R.Brera MD MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
7-Why the teenage brain has an evolutionary advantage Adeiana Galvan PhD -Professor-UCLA -Ettore Ruberti-Professor. Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
8.The adolescents, family, and peers. Flavio Della Croce. MD MA Associate professor in Adolescentology-Dept of Adolescentology (UA)
8.1 Who is the teenager
8.2 The family and the adolescent
8.3 The peer group
8.4 The answer to the quest for virtual reality
9.The relationship with the adolescent and The Decalogue of the Adolescentologist. Mariangela Porta MD MA Professor – Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
9.1. Reception
9.2 Listening
9.3 Adolescence according to the Adolescents and their emotions
9.4 Alliance
10.The doctor-adolescent relationship and the Person-centered clinical method.Domenico Francomano MD MA -Professor, Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
10.1 A clinical report, treated with the Person-centered clinical method and Medical Counselling
11. Medical counselling in clinical work with adolescents. Vito Galante MD MA- Professot, Licenta Docendi ad Honore UA
12. Counselling with the adolescent in hospital. Paolo Garascia MD MA. Associate professor in Adolescentology-Dept of Adolescentology (UA)
13.Adolescence, meaning of life, ideals. Marco Invernizzi MA in Philosophy – Professor -Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
13.1Each person is central, against individualism and collectivism
13.2 The family founded on marriage between man and woman is the basis for transmitting the meaning of life and ideals
13.3 The first step is to love those we educate
13.4 Do not be afraid to correct errors
13.5 Our task and responsibility
14.Anthropology of morality and Christian faith in adolescence Giuseppe R.Brera MD MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
14. 1 Anthropology of Christian morality
15 La Charte Mondiale de la Santé-the World Health Charter
Giuseppe R.Brera MD MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA
Roy Kallivayalil MD MA Licentia Docendi ad Honore UA- Professor of Psychiatry, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India,Vice President (Asia Pacific), World Federation for Mental HealthChair, WPA Section on Psychiatry, Law and EthicsPresident, Indian Psychiatric Society (2012-2013) President, World Association of Social Psychiatry (2016-2019) Secretary General, World Psychiatric Association, Geneva (2014-2020)
General Secretary of the World Health Committee
16.Introduction to the XIII International Conference on Adolescentology
Assisi 24-25-26 October 2025
Info :
Claudio Violato. PHD-Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA- Pro-Rector Università Ambrosiana , Assistant Dean , University of Minnesota Medical School, USA, Honorary Member of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine and the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology (WFSA)
Scientific Director of the World Health Committee
16.1 Youth at risk: the antinomies of medical care for young people in today’s USA
Richard Fiordo PhD MA Professor, Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA ,Emeritus of the University of North Dakota .Honorary member of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine and the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology (WFSA)
Director of the World Health Committee’s Health Communication
17 Conclusion of the Conference– Giuseppe R.Brera
Rector Universita Ambrosiana (UA)-Director of the Milan School of Medicine,President of the World Health Committee
Editorial Order