Title: Person-Centered medicine and Person-Centered Clinical Method

Subtitle: Clinical results of the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm teaching and the SARS-COV 2 entry relativity inducing Person-Centered Prevention.

IInd Edition

The book ( 147 pg.-143 ref.) -eu 28 ,  is structured in 10 chapters  as follows:

Editor: Ambrosiana University

Distributed by AMAZON worldwide  euro 27

1. The epistemological and scientific basis of  Person-Centered Medicine  ( Scientific bases of the paradigm )

2. Person-Centered Medicine teaching in the Milan School of Medicine  ( First institutional MCP teaching  in the world since 1998);

  1. The  Person-Centered Medicine Clinical Method  (PCCM)      (Step by step the Person-Centered Medicine Clinical Method);
  2. Results of the Person-Centered Medicine clinical   application: the first  PCM pilot study (2002)

4.1.     Analysis of the PCM pilot study results (2003

  1. Person-Centered Medicine learning and the  PCM  pilot study results;

6..The COVID-19 mechanic primary prevention defeat resulted from a guilty omission of secondary prevention.; This chapter introduces the general theories of SARS-COV 2 allostasis and its complications and the derived Copernican revolution of the mechanic prevention perspective through the “People and person-centered prevention”  model.  The chapter highlights the reasons for the secondary prevention omission and failure of primary prevention;

7 The health relativity theory.  The chapter introduces the “Health Relativity Theory”,  derived by PCM, that revolutions the current deterministic health concept and poses the epistemological basis of PPCP

8. The PCCM resilience induction  (The PCCM orientation promotes protective factors );

9. The need for Person-Centered Medicine for a “People and Person-Centered Prevention”;

10. Opening remarks    The chapter introduces the PCM and PPCP necessary impact in the world’s public health, and medical education;



The shift of Medicine an medical science to the Person-Centered Paradigm Paradigm and Person-Centered Medicine  Clinical method taught and applied since 1998 at the Milan School of Medicine, born from the advances in medical science and humanities and the previous relativity theory of biological reactions,  is only comparable to the shift of physics to quantum theory. Part of this book and its figures correspond to the person-centered theory and its teaching procedures highlighted by the author Giuseppe R.Brera,-who theorized Person-Centered Medicine-  and PCCM refers to the author’s invited presentation at WHO on 4 May 2011.

The book is necessary to understand the Person-centered revolution in Medicine.

Author: World Health Committee

The constitution of National Health Committees is addressed to institute in the world public health, in medical education, in biomedical research the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm according to the ethical and epistemological paradigm of “La Charte Mondiale de la Santè-the World Health Charter” (CMS-WHC) and the Universal Declaration for Freedom and Dignity; It realizes its objectives through the organization of Health National Committees

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