Assisi 2025
Assisi-Italy 24-25-26 October 2025
Join us for a unique and epochal event that explores for the first time the relationship of person-centered health and adolescent resilience, celebrating historic milestones in the field of Adolescentology.
Previous Conferences on Adolescentology and Person-Centered Medicine promoted by Ambrosiana University, SIAd and WFSA
Patronages: (non definitive) Ambrosiana University, CNR , World Health Committee,World Federation and Society of Adolescentology, Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine,International Committee for the Youth Charter.
1.Person-Centered Health and epistemology: the new epochal change of the concept of health 2. Conflict and development in adolescence 3 Protective factors of health in adolescence and youth 4 Risk factors of health in adolescence and youth 5 Health education 6. Moral thought and religious faith in adolescence and youth 7 Person-Centered Clinical Method and Adolescence 8 Medical education in Person-Centered Health and Medicine 9 Medical counselling, psychological counselling with adolescents and young people 10 Universal Declaration of Youth Rights and DutiesWe invite original theoretical , scientific contributions, case reports and workshops on
- Person-centered epistemology and health
- Unconscious conflicts and development in adolescence
- Physical Health: This includes nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention and management of chronic diseases.
- Moral thought and religious faith in adolescence and youth and health
- Mental Health: Addressing issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, and the importance of mental well-being.
- Sexual and Reproductive Health: Education on safe sex practices, prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and reproductive health.
- Substance Use: Prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
- Injury and Violence Prevention: Strategies to prevent injuries from accidents, violence, and self-harm.
- Healthy Relationships: Promoting healthy interpersonal relationships and preventing bullying and abuse.
- War and Environmental Health: Understanding the impact of war and environmental factors on health,
- Health Education and Promotion: Providing adolescents with the knowledge and skills to make informed health decisions
- Education to human rights
- Medical education to cope with adolescents: clinical adolescentology and counselling and aptitude selection for admission to medicine
The year 2024 was the anniversary of the birth of the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology, (WFSA).WFSA was founded in Milan at the end the International Family Year in 1994. The conference was organized under the UN patronage, and promoted by the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Medicine of Adolescence (SIAd), the first scientific society of Adolescentology, born in 1987, in Italy, in the Adolescence Medicine and Psychology Institute (IMEPA) of the Italian Centre of Medical Psychology,(CISPM) which introduced Adolescentology, and its teaching as a new multidisciplinary unitary epistemology of adolescence. Adolescentology is inspired by a person-centered unitary paradigm of study of adolescence, still today fragmented in the disciplines that study it. Adolescentology was therefore an epistemological revolution that allowed to see the adolescent as a person, subject of his existence and to interpret its nature in the light of Kairology, as a question of meaning of life, truth, love and beauty that receives and creates possibilities to give a true answer to the mystery of existence. Adolescentology values the resources of the adolescent, before problems, at educational and clinical level, and interprets in a unitary way adolescence as an adaptive stress caused by the perception of a psychological and physical real identity question , naturally finalized to the development of the dignity to be a real person. (Brera 1993-2000). Person-centered clinics and investigation on adolescence and Medical counselling, (1991) was the cradle of Person-centered Medicine, based on the interactionist and teleonomic change of medical science and Medicine that has overcome the still current but obsolete and implicit determinist-mechanistic epistemology of medical science reduced to linear causality, valid only in the emergency room, when there is a biological emergency. Since 1987 by IMEPA-CISPM and then 1995 the Department of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine of the Ambrosiana University, still unique in the world, provide post-graduate courses in Clinical Adolescentology and Medical counselling , Health Education with adolescents, and have promoted and organized numerous international Congresses, on the matter and Person-Centered Medicine, of which the next scheduled wants to be decisive for the . definitive change in the concept of health and deepen the protective factors that make adolescents resilient to physical, psychological and environmental adversities. The purpose of this Congress is to advance the concept of having health centered on the person, definable today as “The choice of true possibilities to be the best human person” (Brera 2011-2024) and to bring together researchers who study resilience in adolescents and young people, in the light of the ethical values of Universal Declaration of the Youth Rights and Duties and the World Health Charter Claudio Violato, Giuseppe R.Brera, Richard Fiordo (Co-chairs) Honorary fellows of WFSA Copyright Universitaà Ambrosiana 2024