307 pages – Italian and English – ISBN 9798337941318 – Euro 30- Italian-English Giuseppe R.Brera ( edited by)

Presentations / Contributions

Piermario Biava, Giuseppe R.Brera, Flavio Della Croce, Richard Fiordo, Domenico Francomano , Vito Galante, Adriana Galvan, Paolo Garascia, Roy Kallivayalil, Mariangela Porta , Marco Pellegrini, Ettore Ruberti, Claudio Violato, Stefano Zecchi

Proceedings of the Educational Congress of 1 June 2024, held in Milan on 1 June 2024 with the sponsorship of the Ambrosiana University, the CNR of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescent Medicine, of the World Health Committee

Introduction to the Conference Giuseppe R.Brera Rector -Università Ambrosiana

The educational training in pedagogical, psychological, medical work with adolescents is still today fragmented into theories that separate in an epistemologically wrong way the spirit (the natural question of meaning of life) the emotional and cognitive symbolic world and biological variables, three dimensions in continuous interaction and that the person pilots, with choices that may be true or false for his good. This fragmentation and the cultural abolition of the idea of the objective truth existence, does not grasp the essence of the person and it is the basis of the bio-technological, psychological, sociological and spiritualist reductionism with devastating and pathogenic consequences. The psycho-bio technological reductionism is useful for the profit and social identity of professional roles to the detriment of the health of adolescents and in general of people and of misconceptions of health systems , health education courses and medical education. Kairology, a hermeneutic of human nature born in 1993 and the basis of the Person-centered theory of adolescence and teleonomic substance of the paradigm change of Medicine, Person-Centered Medicine, together with the interactionist progress of the biological sciences, has allowed to unify the interpretative theory of the development of the adolescent and the nature of the person, giving a great contribution to the awareness of the transcendent dignity of man and woman. The natural question to give a meaning to life, revealed by anthropoanalysis, requests the  truth and freedom as necessary condition to answer and is the basis of the awareness of the moral substance of human nature, in all dimensions, based on the objective truth and revealed by God for the good of man to intelligent people.. The purpose of this conference, introductory to the courses of Milan School of Medicine of the Ambrosiana University which has in Adolescentology and Person-Centered Medicine, new paradigm that introduced in 1998, primary excellences pioneering in the world, is to further promote and teach the epistemological change about adolescence and Medicine. The understanding of being a human person and the method to organize knowledge is now essential by the clinical method, today still wrongly taught and applied because of the pandemic of epistemological illiteracy, and that must start from the “who” and not from the “thing” that makes the patient subject only of biological clinical diagnosis, as if he were not involved as a subject in pathogenesis and healing. because the interaction between subjectivity and biological reactions .In adolescence and old age , but in every age.  this error is devastating and iatrogenic and only functional to profit In fact, being comes before every “doing” and every act, as St. John Paul II taught. The pragmatist relativism spread even in unthinkable   environments, should not infect the teaching to clinical and educational activity, “Kairos”   to improve the quality of being a true human person in education and care. This conference  is an introduction to the International Congress:” Assisi 2025-Person-centered health and the resilient adolescent  that will be presented by prof.Claudio Violato and Richard Fiordo. In this conference I will have the honor to present the candidacy by the Ambrosiana University of Prof. Mario  Biava for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, for his discovery of the epigenetic code and the introduction of stem cell reprogramming  which changed thr paradigm of clinical therapy, fundamental in the therapy of tumors and neuro-degenerative diseases, and opening a new time of clinical applications and interactionist research according to Person-Centered Medicine Summary


Introduction to the Conference  Giuseppe R-Brera MD  MA LD Mag-Rector Universita Ambrosiana (UA)-Director of the Milan School of Medicine,President of the World Health Committee

Greeting message from the   Minister of Health of the  Italian Republic Orazio Schillaci MD Professor

2.The person-centered medicine, paradigm of medicine and health sciences– Giuseppe R.Brera

2.1 The epistemological change of Medicine and the paradigm of Person-centered Medicine

2.2 The doctor- patient relationship and thePerson-centered clinical method

3. Nomination of  Piermario Biava to Nobel Prize -Giuseppe R.Brera, Rector Universita Ambrosiana

4.The epigenetic code and the epigenetic reprogrammation of stem cells ;  paradigm change  of oncological and neuro-degenerative diseases therapy -Piermario Biava MD MA-  Professor- Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

4.1 The systematic study of the code which organizes life:   the   epigenetic code

4.2The different activities of regulation of gene  expression by the epigenetic code

4.3 A radical change in the scientific paradigm


5.Beauty and adolescence – Stefano Zecchi,professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

6.The adolescent as person. The person-centered theory of adolescence and the Kairological theory of human nature.  Giuseppe R.Brera MD  MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

7-Why the teenage brain has an evolutionary advantage  Adeiana Galvan PhD -Professor-UCLA -Ettore Ruberti-Professor. Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

8.The adolescents, family, and peers. Flavio Della Croce. MD MA Associate professor in Adolescentology-Dept of Adolescentology (UA)

8.1 Who is the teenager

8.2 The family and the adolescent

8.3  The peer group

8.4 The answer to the quest for virtual reality

9.The relationship with the adolescent and The Decalogue of the Adolescentologist. Mariangela Porta MD MA Professor – Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

9.1. Reception

9.2 Listening

9.3 Adolescence according to the Adolescents and their emotions

9.4 Alliance

10.The doctor-adolescent relationship  and the Person-centered clinical method.Domenico Francomano MD MA  -Professor, Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

10.1 A clinical report, treated with the Person-centered clinical method and Medical Counselling

11.  Medical counselling in clinical work with adolescents. Vito Galante MD MA- Professot, Licenta Docendi ad Honore UA

12.  Counselling with the adolescent in hospital. Paolo Garascia MD MA.  Associate professor in Adolescentology-Dept of Adolescentology (UA)

13.Adolescence, meaning of life, ideals. Marco Invernizzi  MA in Philosophy – Professor -Licentia Docendi ad Honorem  UA

13.1Each person is central, against individualism and    collectivism

13.2 The family founded on marriage between man and woman is the basis for transmitting the meaning of life and ideals

13.3 The first step is to love those we educate

13.4 Do not be afraid to correct errors

13.5  Our task and responsibility

14.Anthropology of morality and Christian faith in  adolescence   Giuseppe R.Brera MD  MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

14. 1 Anthropology of Christian morality

15 La Charte Mondiale de la Santé-the World Health Charter

Giuseppe R.Brera  MD  MA LD Mag- Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA

Roy Kallivayalil   MD MA  Licentia Docendi ad Honore UA- Professor of Psychiatry, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India,Vice President (Asia Pacific), World Federation for Mental HealthChair, WPA Section on Psychiatry, Law and EthicsPresident, Indian Psychiatric Society (2012-2013) President, World Association of Social Psychiatry (2016-2019) Secretary General, World Psychiatric Association, Geneva (2014-2020)

General Secretary  of the World Health Committee

16.Introduction to the XIII International Conference  on Adolescentology


Assisi 24-25-26 October 2025

Info :

Claudio Violato. PHD-Professor Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA- Pro-Rector Università Ambrosiana , Assistant Dean , University of Minnesota Medical School, USA, Honorary Member of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine and the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology (WFSA)

Scientific  Director of the World Health Committee

16.1     Youth at risk: the antinomies of medical care   for young people  in today’s USA

Richard Fiordo PhD MA Professor, Licentia Docendi ad Honorem UA ,Emeritus of the University of North Dakota .Honorary member of the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine and the World Federation and Society of Adolescentology (WFSA)

Director of the World Health Committee’s Health Communication

17 Conclusion of the Conference– Giuseppe R.Brera

Rector Universita Ambrosiana (UA)-Director of the Milan School of Medicine,President of the World Health Committee

Editorial Order




PARALYZED FOR LIFE AFTER COVID-19 SHOT. CANADA OFFERED ME medical EUTHANASIA!!!! Medical proof and story link below. To donate and for FULL STORY visit


EXCLUSIVE: Young Ontario woman’s life becomes a living hell after Moderna booster shot leaves her paralyzed. Doctors confirm vaccine connection and offer Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID). Kayla Pollock is a 37-year-old mother from Ontario whose life took a drastic turn after receiving a Moderna Covid-19 booster shot. She experienced paralysis from the neck down and has been enduring a challenging ordeal ever since. Kayla’s early years were marked by unspeakable cruelty and suffering. As an infant, she endured the horrors of severe abuse, including broken bones, cigarette burns, and bruises inflicted upon her helpless body by her parents. Her distressing situation prompted the intervention of family and children services, ultimately leading to her placement in a caring, loving and supportive home. As she grew older, Kayla dedicated the majority of her younger adult years to behavioral training of exotic animals. However, she eventually made the decision to resign from this profession after having her son, recognizing the inherent risks of the job. Kayla eventually ended up in the small town of Mount Albert, Ontario, where she co-raised her son after a separation. She worked as a casual educational assistant at Robert Munsch Public School, assisting kindergarten children. Her home was conveniently located right next to the school. Kayla’s son attended the same school where she worked, and she expressed her love for her job and the positive direction her life was heading. Describing herself as fit, healthy, and very active, Kayla enjoyed hiking, being outdoors, gardening, and going places with her son. When the pandemic struck, Kayla recalls the mainstream media, politicians, and public health officials emphasizing the severity of the virus and urging everyone to get vaccinated. She remembers health officials specifically advising that those at highest risk should prioritize getting vaccinated. Being immunocompromised and a type one diabetic, Kayla heeded the advice of health officials and received the first two Pfizer shots in the middle of 2021 and didn’t experience any issues. Additionally, she mentions another reason for getting vaccinated was because her father resided in a long-term care facility with dementia, and vaccination was going to be a requirement for entry into the care home. Kayla then decided to take a booster, but this time it was a Moderna booster shot. She recounts going to a vaccination drive and the police being there. She found that odd and questioned why the police were present. According to Kayla, people were upset that Moderna was being given out instead of Pfizer, and that was the reason for the police presence. Kayla says that something didn’t sit right in her gut, but she went ahead with the Moderna booster shot anyway. She explains her reasoning for getting the third shot was because she felt like a third one would be mandated at some point to get access into her dads long term care home. She received the Moderna booster shot on January 11, 2022. Four days later, Kayla described a situation where her legs just gave out, and she collapsed, but all seemed fine a short time later. Then, nine days later, she experienced a similar event, and at that time, she called her doctor, asking to see a neurologist because she suspected something wasn’t right. On the morning of February 22, 2022, Kayla’s life took an irreversible turn. As she awoke, opened her eyes, a sudden realization struck her – she couldn’t move her body. Despite the shock, she says she remained calm and started yelling for help. Fortunately, her boyfriend who spent the night, was in the driveway preparing to leave for work, and heard her cries for help. Her boyfriend called 911 and Kayla was transported to Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, Ontario. While in the emergency department Kayla recounts that the attending physician initially dismissed her symptoms, suggesting that it was all in her head and portrayed her as a “crazy person,” and ordered a psychiatric consult. All of what Kayla describes happening is evident in her medical records which we obtained and reviewed. Eventually, an MRI was conducted, revealing that Kayla had a very large lesion on her spinal cord. A neurologist followed up with Kayla and recommended a course of steroids in an attempt to decrease the size of the lesion. Kayla questioned the neurologist and asked if the lesion could be a tumor. In an audio recording taken by Kayla’s boyfriend, the neurologist responds, saying, “it’s less likely a tumor” and that it is his “gut impression it was caused by the vaccine.” When Kayla questions the doctor as to whether many people have had something similar happen to them, the doctor responds, saying “many people have had it.” Later, Kayla would learn that she had developed transverse myelitis, a condition that interrupts the transmission of messages along the spinal cord nerves throughout the body. She would go on to spend several months in the hospital, where she says she was offered medical assistance in dying (MAID) on two occasions but rejected the offer. During Kayla’s hospital stay, she received steroids, which she claims helped to some extent, allowing her to regain very slight movement in her arms, hands, and fingers. However, she still has absolutely no feeling from the neck down. Visually examining her fingernails reveals decay due to the lack of nerve function. Kayla believes that if the initial doctor had taken her concerns seriously, rather than dismissing her as a “crazy person,” and promptly ordered an MRI, she might have been able to walk again or experience sensation in some parts of her body that she doesn’t have today. After her initial treatment at the local hospital, Kayla was subsequently transferred to Lyndhurst Rehabilitation Centre in Toronto to undergo several months of intensive rehabilitation aimed at attempting to restore her physical capabilities and adapting to her new reality. Unfortunately, Kayla says that rehab did not help her. Following her discharge from the hospital, she now takes a long list of drugs daily. She ended up losing everything she worked hard for—her home, the ability to co-raise her son, and her job, essentially losing everything. Kayla was placed on provincial disability and was forced to move away from Mount Albert, where her son lives, into an apartment that could accommodate her wheelchair accessibility needs. Kayla has faced challenges in obtaining the promised hours of in-home care after leaving the hospital. Kayla relies on a personal support worker to help her get out of bed each morning, another organization assists with meal preparation, and in the evenings, a friend comes over to manually extract feces from her bowel and aid her in getting into bed. Securing compensation through the federal government’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) has been difficult for Kayla. She initiated the application process in July of 2022, following up with the program six months later. However, according to Kayla, her application was still under review at that time. Another six months elapsed, and when she sought an update, the program informed her that they had never received her initial application. In response, Kayla reapplied to the program and was recently assigned a case worker. Uncertainty looms over whether she will be approved and, if approved, when she will receive any form of compensation. Kayla faces challenges in performing simple tasks both at home and in the community. She is in a difficult financial situation and desperately seeks a service dog. According to her, having a service dog would not only assist her with daily tasks but also offer companionship, providing her with much-needed company. An organization called Veterans 4 Freedom has stepped in to help Kayla and has set up a GiveSendGo campaign to help her raise funds for a service dog. A link to that fundraising campaign is below.



Direct speech of Katia





Conference post-poned on 24-25-26 October 2025

prof. Giuseppe R.Brera and prof.Claudio Violato are honored to announce the XIII °International Congress on Adolescentology

Assisi 2024
Assisi -Italy October 25-26-27, 2024
National Research Center of Italy (CNR)
Ambrosiana University
Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine
Person-Centered International ACADEMY
International Committee for The WORLD HEALTH CHARTER
*at 24 February 2024
Information- Registration and abstract forms


Previous Conferences on Adolescentology  and Person-Centered Medicine

Recent Conferences on Person-Centered Medicine




The Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University, with the Patronage of the Italian National Health Committee, organized the   specialization course,  dedicated to family and public health physicians  on the theme:

“Prevention and person-centered treatment of COVID-19 by variants of SARS-COV 2 and communicable diseases”

The course is the first edition in Italian of a European and international teaching program on the prevention of COVID-19, inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine application in theory and Medical Education, of which the Medical School of Milan of the Ambrosiana University is a pioneer and recognized world leader by the WHO. The course is aimed at teaching the correct epistemological and scientific paradigm to cope with the SARS-VOC 2 pandemic, based on the new antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation paradigm, before a mass vaccination with genotoxic mRNA and vectorial vaccines also administered to children, adolescents and young people, not at risk of serious infections, if healthy. These mRNA and vector vaccines, inducers of an epigenetic earthquake, would have required years of experimentation to study even fatal adverse effects with serious damage to the health of the world population. The Course is coordinated by prof. Giuseppe R.Brera, currently the world’s leading expert on the prevention of COVID-19- wrote the only existing treatise on the subject and is the author of the theoretical paradigm of Person-Centered Medicine- is given by Maria Rita Gismondo, (Milan State University) virologist of international fame, Maurizio Federico, ( Director in the Italian Health Institute of the World Center of Global Health) who has in testing a pan-vaccine against the COVID-19, Salvatore Chirumbolo (University of Verona)  and Sergio Pandolfi  (University of Pavia) the most important Italian scholars on the early therapy of COVID-19, and the clinical “heresy” of the former Italian Health Minister’s, Roberto Speranza, illiterate paradigm” Paracetamol and vigilant wait” that cost thousands of deaths and hospital admissions. Medical Education is coordinated by prof. Vito Galante of the Milan School of Medicine with the quality procedure of the Ambrosiana University.

PROGRAM (1st edition-Italian)

Information to subscribe the European and International edition


J Mazetes -Managing editor



One treaty and a book demolished the global biotech policy against the COVID-19variants’ pandemics blessed by WHO  and piloted by the profit  BIG-PHARMA organizations  and introduced a new real and effective person-centered health global policy that induces the prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.herly, Christine Cotton highlighted omissions and the errors in mRNA vaccine experimentation that make these unreliable and dangerous for people.

Recently Seneff, S., Nigh, G., Kyriakopoulos, A. M., & McCullough, P. A. et al. highlighted the innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations. In 2019  Lockhart J, Canfield J, Mong EF, Vanwye J, Totary-Jain H. highlighted the nucleotide modification  that alters microRNA-dependent   Silencing of MicroRNA switches. This last paper has been ignored by public health supporters of the global vaccination, involving children, adolescents, and young people not at epidemiological risk and submitted to severe and frequent adverse effects up to death.

Furtherly, vaccination of oncologic patients increases infections, hospitalizations, and deaths, confirming the mRNA vaccine immune-depression induction that adds it to the chemotherapy effects on immunity as highlighted by Wang W, Kaelber DC, Xu R, Berger NA

There is an urgent need in all countries to convert the health policy to adopting person-centered prevention based on the antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation, as extensively highlighted by prof. Brera’s books are introduced here.

The public health assessors should be morally motivated to change health policy by adopting the paradigm change of Medicine: “Person-Centered Medicine.” if they want to be honest with people, a rare event of lighted people.




Author: Giuseppe R.Brera

Editor: University Ambrosiana

147 pages,  $ 28  

distributed worldwide by Amazon


The book introduces the Person-Centered Medicine theorized by Giuseppe R.Brera and taught at the Milan School of Medicine in PG medical education.

The book introduces the PCM paradigm and, step by step, the Person-Centered Clinical Method clinical application that has revolutionized the traditional clinical method only centered on empirical observations and clinical application results from its teaching to physicians.

The author introduces the Person-Centered Theory of Health Relativity and highlights the WHO’s epistemological error in the prevention policy of COVID-19.

In chapter 6; The SARS-COV 2 allostasis theory and the COVID-19 mechanic primary prevention failure, the result of a guilty omission of secondary prevention, the author introduces the SARS-COV 2 infection relativity   and “Complication probability theories” highlighting People and Person-Centered paradigm of prevention






19  July 1, 2021

Author: Giuseppe R.Brera

Editor: University Ambrosiana

Pag 125    $   25    

Distributed worldwide by Amazon


In the first part of the treatise, “The virus entry,”  the author had demonstrated how the SARS-COV 2 virus enters cells through pathological cell membranes characterized by lipid degeneration, thus explaining the vulnerability of the elderly with comorbidities that have atherosclerosis and protection against infection in young people as their common denominator. Adolescents and children are not subjected to immunosuppression due to a lack of alteration in the transduction of immune signals and the preserved validity of innate humoral and cellular immunity, verified by epidemiological research.

Professor Brera theorized an equation of relativity of the infection and probability theory of its severity, opening up a new perspective of prevention, capable of identifying subjects at risk of as severe COVID-19, intensive care, and death.


  1. SARS-COV 2- allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention.

 Part 2 The SARS-COV 2- induced  immunosuppression and covid-19 anergy

Part 3 The antiviral metabolic allostasis and preventive immunostimulation  -How to induce zero risk for covid-19.

 University Ambrosiana: 2021   332 pag.  611 references”

Author Giuseppe R.Brera

Editor: University Ambrosiana

Pag. 328   $ 50

Distributed worldwide by Amazon


In the second part of the treaty, the author deepened the new person-centered biochemical-immunological-virological perspective of viral allostasis that he had introduced. The author discusses the relationship between atherosclerosis, immunosuppression, and immune anergia in people at risk, leading to lethality.

The treaty completely falsifies the bio-tech prevention strategy addressed to multiple vaccinations of the elderly and in comorbidities with or without atherosclerosis. Immunosenescence and the immunosuppressive phenotype of atherosclerosis result in a reduction of induction of immune memory induced by non-proliferation and activation of T and B cells and induced cellular immunity, with waning immunity in a short time not protecting the lung and mucosal epithelium. The lethality of vaccinated older adults with comorbidities is on the news, and the natural immunity of children and young people, determining the lowest epidemiological risks and the mRNA adverse effects up to lethality, should have determined the choice to non-vaccinating them.

The treaty shows that the government’s policy of vaccinating young and oldest people with many shots is wrong at the epistemological and scientific levels. This policy requires a total change of preventive strategy and effective early care, moving to antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation with the resignation of the public health organizers. In 2020-2021 millions of people’s deaths confirm the WHO’s and global policy failure. Wrong prevention and lethal strategy based on dangerous vaccines alter cells’ epigenetics by inducing micro-RNA suppression, immunity, depression, tumor vulnerability, and neurobiological alteration. There could be a relation between diplomacy failure in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and vaccines-induced brain alteration in European-NATO and world leaders.

Astra-Seneca’s vectorial Chimpanzees’ adenoviruses are in the DNA of many world leaders and diplomacy people, and micro RNA silencing by mRNA vaccines alters brains. The errors  and omissions in the  mRNA vaccines’ experimentation, well highlighted by Christine Cotton, furtherly introduce the permanence of the biotech addressed global policy against communicable diseases blessed by WHO as a profit-induced lethal fraud,

In the third part of the treatise, the author profoundly analyses the biochemical and immunological action (130 pages) of the potent antiviral and immuno-stimulant and immunogenic properties of an easy diet containing particular natural metabolites and nutraceutical supplements. The diet-induced antiviral allostasis cancels the risk of infection by Sars-COV 2 variants and many viruses, suggesting the validity of primary and secondary prevention based on antiviral allostasis and preventive immunostimulation through health education and self-care that would have led to the block of onset of the pandemic saving millions of lives-including 150,000 in Italy. “Antiviral allostasis” is a word unknown to public health organizers for epistemological ignorance of the healthy ministerial intelligence and world media virologists-immunologists, inducers of a new branch of criminality: “The virologists’ terrorism.”

The treatise theorizes the foundations of the antiviral strategy and preventive immunostimulation,  not only for SARS-COV 2 but for many other viruses and non-communicable diseases such as cancer that share in the first phase of infection metabolic alterations (1) of SARS-COV 2 and that the World Health Committee is launching in the world as the only possibility to prevent further epidemics. Mass vaccination induced the production of variants and immunity depression, as demonstrated by the epigenetic alterations caused by RNA vaccines transmitted to the offspring. These alterations pose challenging questions about the present and future effects on the brain and immunity and, therefore, on vulnerability to learning difficulties and mental health, tumors, and auto-immunity for DNA and hybridization by vectorial and mRNA vaccines

These irrefutable data present situations of obligation to the choice of vaccination and its imposition  (Green Pass),  the induction to the vaccination of children and adolescents-young, also cause of deaths- as an expression of a real illiterate and insane abuse of power.

The treatise-  is inspired by the Person-Centered Medicine change of paradigm of medical science, of which the author is the main inspirer in the world and lecturer at the Medical School of Milan.

In the introduction, Prof. Brera presents the conflict between a preventive-therapeutic biotechnological approach to the pandemic, only necessary tool but not the meaning of Medicine, and the person-centered change of paradigm of the concept of Medicine and Health,  to date defined as ” The choice of the best possibilities to be the best human person,” also political program, basis of the “Charte Mondiale de la Santé” – “The World Health Charter” presented in Milan in 2017.

The treaty lays the scientific foundations of the world health development program, called the ” People and Person-Centered Prevention Program,” promoted worldwide by the World Health Committee, and promotes the Person-Centered medicine paradigm spreading in public health.

The health policy promoted by the treaty is the exact opposite of health programs centered on “mechanistic-bio technological therapies and preventions,” which override man’s fundamental right to freedom to choose what is most appropriate for personal health. This strategy induced a criminal vaccination of children and adolescents, without an epidemiological justification, with specific and even fatal adverse effects, and states’ dependence on health merchants and vaccines,  interested in having a mass of chronic sufferers for profit reasons.

Members of the consortium of the multinational drug companies were also able to falsify scientific data to sell, as it appeared from the $250 million penalties given to Smith-Kline and Becham from the FDA in 2014 and present experimental programs of SARS-COV 2 vaccines of limited and wrong validity, omitting the study of adverse effects of vaccines.



by  I. Mazethes, WHC  editorial manager







Inaugural Conference of  the 2020-2021  academic activities of Ambrosiana University



The Person-Centered Prevention Program  for pandemic prevention



Person-Centred Medicine (PCM) is the current paradigm of medical science and Medicine, and this involves the orientation of public health with a new organization of primary care and the training of doctors and students in Medicine through teachers prepared for PCM teaching. Its application, through trained doctors, allows enormous savings in suffering and costs. The PCM reconverts health to “Person-centred prevention” by promoting health education, prevention, early treatment of diseases, self-care, incentivizing individual resources, introducing and reinforcing protective factors, and buffering risk factors to improve individual resilience.
The PCM paradigm is defined as” The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person,” which is also a political program.
In adolescence, a period of spiritual and psycho-biological formation, the PCM assumes fundamental importance throughout life because it builds an indelible trace for the future.
The Congress is held in three parts: the first is dedicated to the scientific bases of the Person-Centered Medicine interactionist and teleonomic paradigm, which will be followed by a panel dedicated to the paradigm change of Medicine. (in English) -November 13
Keynote speakers: Peter Sterling, the author of the Allostasis theory that revolutionized physiology and medical science, the fundament of the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm with other significant contributors to Medicine paradigm change .(November 13- h 15)
The second session is dedicated to adolescence. Speakers are contributors to the revolution of the paradigm of the adolescence theory. (November 13- 17,30-19,30)
The third session is dedicated to the Person-Centered Prevention paradigm, genetic and epigenetic damages induced by vaccines against SARS-COV 2, and early treatment of COVID-19.
( November 20 – h 15 in Italian-English)
Giuseppe R.Brera
Rector of the Ambrosiana University, Director of the Medical School of Milan, president of the World Health Committee and the Italian National Health Committee
Free access on zoom on registration
To give a contribution to the conference in panels (5-7′) send the enclosed abstract form to dr. Vito Galante within 7 November (1°-2° session, November 13 -3°session)





Giuseppe R.Brera

We are informed that Joe Biden, the USA President, wants to promote children and adolescents’ mRNA vaccination against SARS-COV 2.

M-RNA vaccines alter micro-RNA in any cell, and in such a way, the delicate work to silence RNA  that in the case of the epigenetic balance alteration could induce tumors and other severe pathologies. Moreover m.RNA vaccines increase the cell methylome associated with cancer. We do not know the effect of micro-RNA alterations in neurons.   Cognitive disorders, behavior alterations, and  Alzheimer’s induction could be probable. In any case, we need long-term epidemiological investigations that have been omitted by BIG-PHARMA, whose experimental trials quality has been very criticized. Micro-RNA are fundamental for health, and their alteration could be catastrophic for public health. We are underestimating the effects of epigenetic changes of mRNA vaccines on micro RNA, exposing vaccinated people to adverse effects.  A winning alternative to prevent further pandemics due to SARS-COV 2 mutation or other viruses is to promote primary and secondary prevention by inducing a natural antiviral metabolic reprogramming ( antiviral allostasis) through diet and immunostimulation  (AAVIS).  Lack of the adoption of Person-Centered change of Medicine epistemology founding the health concept intended as “The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person,” was at the origin of the wrong strategy to cope with the pandemic’s beginning. Restrictions of human rights produced preventive effects, as Claudio Violato depicted recently, but costs for people’s mental health, work, and the economy have been high.  This strategy against human rights instituted a new health political power, like an  Orwellian culture,  but less effective than an easily accessible health education to  AAVIS, also inducing cross prevention against other communicable and non-communicable diseases like cancer.  Freedom and health are already inseparable at the experimental level, as psycho-neuro endocrine immunology depicted according to the significant contribution of Mark Laudenslager. Closing allostasis possibilities means reducing natural immunity. Freedom is the basis of a healthy allostasis,  the Sterling and Heyer’s physiology revolution forgotten by Nobel prize attribution and not yet known by almost physicians and investigators.  Allostasis is the basis of the interactionist and teleonomic person-centered revolution of the Medicine paradigm and health concept change that  WHO  omitted to formalize because of a “Donkey syndrome” pandemic. Health is relative to the interpretation quality of experience possibilities, which determines choices and lifestyle and starts from individual freedom and dignity.

Conversely, WHO and most anti-COVID 19 illiterate committees applied an outdated mechanistic conception of Medicine based on the linear causality:virus-infection –death risk while to date, the fundamental medicine paradigm is multidimensional and multifactorial based on the person-centered advances and revolution of biomedical science, primarily Allostasis, Neurobiology, Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, Epigenetics, Affect science.  Medicine and public health must interpret any pathology as the lack of people’s health protective factors.  A public health strategy to prevent a pandemic should adopt the following multidimensional and multifactorial alphabet =  A -pathogen,  B . allostasis-C -natural immunity, D -infection risk, E disease risk, F -early therapy, G worsening risk, H death risk.  By increasing  B  and  C,  allostasis, and immunity-based people resources, we can prevent and block pandemics.  This strategy means creating a healthy lifestyle, starting from nutrition quality, education, early health care, and prevention possibilities, omitted in the SARS-COV 2 pandemic.  Without the Person-Centered  A-B-C,  the  Medicine alphabet non-known by illiterate public health officers or most virologists, any advance of biomedical science, clinical medicine, and medical education is impossible. To date, people worldwide are dependent on health merchants who want to profit from people’s diseases. They have been able to falsify scientific data like Smith&Kline in 2004, which received a penalty of 250 million dollars from the FDA. Bio-tech messianism is not the future of Medicine and public health if we want to build effective person-centered prevention.

Investigation on SARS-COV 2  depicts that there is also a limited possibility of DNA alterations.  Human DNA hybridization with heterologous  DNA  is standard with vectorial vaccines   (Astra-Seneca-Johnson). The short-term and long-term adverse effects could be hazardous because of  DNA hybridization- which is transmissible to progeny-mainly at a young age for intense immunity reactions and fatal consequences due to the closeness of corona- adenoviruses viruses infections.  (immune-complex syndrome), like occurred to a healthy girl in Italy who died after Astra-Seneca inoculation.

Moreover, what happens if the DNAs neurons of a government or public and private deans are hybridized with a chimpanzee’s DNA adenovirus or their brain is altered by mRNA vaccines. ? In Italy, healthy adolescents died because of m-RNA and Astra.Seneca vaccination-induced by government and regions’ illiterate people. We need deep and honest epidemiological investigations that BIG-PHARMA omitted. Their problem is only to sell vaccines.

 Anti-SARS-COV 2 vaccination of children and adolescents is a crime against humanity. According to epidemiology, they are not at risk of COVID-19 and asymptomatic and, if vaccinated, can be submitted to dangerous adverse effects up to death, as the USA Center for Prevention depicted. In the USA, the death of fourteen adolescents, otherwise alive, has been signaled. In the 0-29 age range, the case-fatality ratio from COVID-19 is close to zero because the young people’s natural immunity is not disturbed by cell membranes lipidic transformation as in older people, where transduction of immunity signals is altered. Inducing children and young people’s parents to authorize anti-SARS-COV vaccination is not a “Love act” as “pope” Francis written but exposes them to unuseful dangerous risks.

Moreover, the asymptomatic infection in young people promotes herd immunity like living vaccines and produces a long-lasting immunity. It is beneficial for the pandemic shutdown.  The infection ratio is half of symptomatic, and one investigation that traced 420 contacts of an asymptomatic did not find any  COVID-19.

As  President of the World Health Committee and in Italy as President of the Italian National  Health Committee, I have launched the Antiviral Allostasis and Immunostimulatory Stimulation ( AAVIS) campaign inspired by Person-Centered Medicine, the paradigm change of medical science and Medicine, which introduced the paradigm of People and Person-Centered Prevention also in the light of the formulation of the SARS-COV 2 infection relativity theory.

We started to propose AAVIS to the Russian, USA, and Romania Presidents. In Italy, we did not find an audience by a government engaged in delusional law acts introducing a people’s discrimination and control through a ” green pass” testifying a vaccination against SARS-COV 2, which does not prevent contagions but only a severe COVID-19 only in people older than 0-39.  Moreover, because of immunosenescence  in the oldest people, vaccination is effective only for a few weeks, and it requests a change of the prevention strategy toward AAVIS

Considering mRNA vaccines’ and viral vectors’ epigenetic and genetic adverse effects, respectively,  inducing a third and tomorrow more boosting is a dangerous sanitary delusion  but blessed by  BIG-PHARMA marketing plans.

Recently the Nobel Prize Luc Montagner recommended high prudence in the genetic vaccine use., confirmed by induction of genetic and epigenetic alterations.  Considering the virus’s rapid mutations like HIV, we must change preventive strategy by adopting the person-centered antiviral allostasis and immunostimulatory paradigm, which increases the freedom and responsibility-based public health, natural partner of innate immunity, superior to artificial induction of immunity from experimental vaccines with a short- time-limited immunity and adverse effects. Vaccines indeed induced a lower case/fatality ratio, but this kind of strategy, in any case, should be restricted only to people older than 29 and could induce a pandemic of adverse effects, blessed by health merchants.

SARS-COV 2  could be easily neutralizable by  AAVIS, determining a rapid and accessible shutdown of pandemic worldwide without dangerous mass vaccination and consequent adverse effects, also protecting from other pathogens and  SARS-COV 2 mutations.  AAVIS is cheap and inexpensive because founded on an effective antiviral diet and nutraceuticals. If diffused through health education could be decisive for COVID-19 and also adverse effects of vaccines prevention. AAVIS could be easily realized through media and induce cross-prevention against other communicable and non-communicable diseases like cancer.


Giuseppe R.Brera

President of the World Health Committee  and the Italian National Health Committee

Rector of the Ambrosiana University and Director of the Milan School of Medicine


Brera G.R  Medical science and health paradigm change. Milan. University Ambrosiana Editions; 2018    Internet www.

Brera G.R  Person-centered Medicine and Person-centered clinical method. Clinical results of the Medicine unitary paradigm teaching and the COVID-19 people and person-centered prevention theory. Milan. University Ambrosiana edition; 2021.   ISBN: 9798726465432

Brera G.R.  SARS-COV 2-2 allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention.

Part 1  The Sars-Cov 2 entry relativity and COVID-19. Milan.University Ambrosiana Ed. ; 2021   ISBN   9798530093906

Part 2-3  Brera G.R . SARS-COV 2- allostasis and the people and person-centered prevention. Part 2 The Sars-Cov 2- induced immunosuppression and covid-19 anergy.  Part 3 The antiviral metabolic allostasis and preventive immunostimulation  – How to induce zero risk for covid-19. Milan:  Università Ambrosiana: 2021   ISBN 9798547583520






















 INSTRUMENT of incorporatION

  1.  the loss of the Medicine objective ethical paradigm resulting in crimes against  human life  as abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, hidden mass sterilization campaigns, the political power caused loss of individual freedom based on  public health reasons, and  the omission of prevention policies only favoring the world health business;
  2.   the absence of free primary and hospital health care  for all;
  3. the biological science  and humanities Person-centered -based  paradigm change of Medicine, biomedical science, medical education named: “Person Centered Medicine” (PCM),  published in 1999, overcoming the obsolete, wrong, deterministic, mechanistic approach to clinics and prevention;[1] [2] [3]
  4. the PCM-derived  new health paradigm:” The choice of best possibilities for being the best human person” presented in WHO  on 4 May 2011;[4] [5]
  5. the world medicine and health  ethical and epistemological paradigm: “La Charte Mondial de la santé-the World Health Charter” (CMS-WHC) ;[6]
  6. the WHO and most public health national system  omission  to prevent the COVID-19 and other pandemics of communicable and non-communicable diseases  because of the ignorance about the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm and scientific ignorance responsible for millions of deaths 

The University Ambrosiana[7] Milan School of Medicine[8] , the Italian National Health Committee[9], the Person-Centered  Medicine  International Academy, the International Committee for CMS-WHC,[10] the World Federation of Adolescentology, the Italian Society of Adolescentology and Adolescence Medicine, [11] found the WORLD HEALTH COMMITTEE  (WHC)- International Committee for Health and Medicine Paradigm Change- (WCHMPC); 

  1. AIMS 
  1. The constitution of National Health Committees addressed to  institute in public health, in medical education, in biomedical research  the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm according to the ethical and epistemological paradigm of “La Charte Mondiale de la Santè-the World Health Charter” (CMS-WHC) and the Universal Declaration for Freedom and Dignity;
  2. to promote individual adhesions in countries to CMS-WHC and orient medical education to Person-Centered Medicine, Person-Centered Clinical Method and Medical Counselling and  related research according to the thriving University Ambrosiana  Milan School of Medicine quality procedures introduced in clinics and teaching since 1995[12] ;
  3. to contrast the ethical decay of Medicine resulting in abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia  induced by physicians  who betray the Medicine meaning  and  bio-technological involution of prevention, clinical method, and research, while considering biotechnology utility, but only as a tool, not a sense;
  4. to cooperate with WHO and countries’ health ministries to orient public health to Person-Centered Medicine, to warrant possibilities for free health care for all,  and to assume as public health paradigm the health definition: “The choice for best possibilities for being the best human person.” 


  1. WHC-WCHMPC is composed of individuals who adhere to CMS-WHC (Charte Mondiale de la Santé) and the WHC-WCHMPC constitutive act, and  by health organizations that adhere to CMS-WHC ;   

The WHC- WCHMPC  members of the same country gather in Health National Committees [13](HNC) to constitute a lobby pressure on countries governments for orienting health systems to Person-Centered Medicine, and the health definition: “The choice of the best possibilities for being the best human person,” activating medical education updates, contrasting laws against rights to health and life. The Individual adhesion is formalized by an adhesion letter to CMS-WHC and the WHC-WCHMPC constitutional bill sent to  [14] The WHC-WCHMPC board members become members of the National Committees Scientific  Boards to assure coordination between- WHC –WCHMPC  governance and national Committees.

  1. Health National Committees (HNC)©, whose institution is registered by the  WHC-WCHMPC board, comprises three persons and the WHC- WHCHMPC  scientific board. The HNC  directional structure Is articulated in the following roles: President, Secretary, communication manager. Each continent gathers registered HNC. The HNC of the continent with the highest number of members represents it on the board. 
  1. WHC-WCHMPC is addressed by a board composed of prof Giuseppe R.Brera  (Italy) ( founder –President and Medical Education Director-Italy), prof. Claudio Violato  (Italy-Canada)( scientific director ) -Canada, Richard Fiordo  (USA)  ( health communication director),  Robert Cloninger (USA), George Christodoulou (Greece),   Roy Kallivayalil (India),  one delegate of HNC for each continent,  the international secretariat, and one three year delegate of adhering international health organizations.

      The  WHC-WCHMPC seat and administration are provisionally at the University Ambrosiana direction Vile Romagna 51, Milan, Italy.

     The website of WHC-WCHMPC is www. healthparadigmchange. It and the dynamic site: www. world  [15]

     International Secretariat: 

       Theoretical official textbook on PCM epistemological principles, clinical results of Person-centered clinical method teaching, and quality procedures is: “Person-Centered Medicine and Person-Centered Clinical Method”. (Giuseppe R.Brera 2021)[16]

                  Proceedings of the Conference:

   The person-centered paradigm change of health and Medicine paradigms and COVID-19[17

Promote the WHC with a donation




[1]  Brera G.R.  The manifesto of Person Centered Medicine. Medicine, Mind Adolescence ,1999; Vol. XIV, n. 1-2:3-7 Internet:

[2] Brera G R, editor . Medical Science and Health Paradigm Change. Proceedings of the Conference; 2017 Oct 13-15; Milan, It. Milano: Università Ambrosiana Ed ; 2017

[3] Brera G.R.  . Person Centered Medicine and Medical Education in third Millennium (with the introduction of Iosef Seifert  The  seven aims of Medicine it.) Roma- Pisa: IEPI ;2001 (Italian)

[4]  Brera G.R. Person Centered Medicine: Theory, Teaching, Research. Int.J.Pers. Cent.Med 2011; 1 (1):69-79

[5]  WHO symposium on Person-Centered Medicine and Medical Education :internet

[6]   La Charte Mondiale de la Santé-the World Health Charter   Internet






[12] Brera G.R  Person-Centered Medicine and Person Centered Clinical Method. Clinical results of the Medicine unitary paradigm   teaching and the the SARS-COV 2 entry relativity theory inducing COVID-19 person-centered prevention. Milan; University Ambrosiana editions; 2021

[13]To date, the first National Committee to date is the Italian National Health Committee.

[14] WCHMP members can upload: “ Medical science and health paradigm change” from

[15] In edition within 10 August 2021

[16] Ibidem 7

[17] Ibidem 13

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