The “Person-centered Health relativity” and the “People and Person-Centered Prevention” theories. From epistemology to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down.

The “Person-centered Health relativity” and the “People and Person-Centered Prevention” theories. From epistemology to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down.


Self-Care and Well-Being in the Times of Covid-19 5 – 7 April 2021

(, promoted by the Person-Centered Medicine International College

The “Person-centered Health relativity” and the “People and Person-Centered Prevention” theories. From epistemology to the COVID-19 pandemic shut-down. [accessed Oct 04 2021].

Giuseppe R.Brera


Person-Centered Medicine (PCM) is the first extrinsic paradigm of medical science instituted due to the last forty years of advancing biomedical science and human sciences. The PCM epistemological bases are interactionism and the human nature teleonomy allowing the freedom and dignity-based “being-person” identity. The Medicine indeterministic epochal shift is similar to the discovery of quantum physics, which is allowed to constitute the “Person-centered clinical method” that integrates the obsolete one and reassesses the physician’s role as maieutic of the being person. The lecture introduces the PCM health-derived concept relativity theory and the People and Person-Centered Prevention paradigm (PPCP), whose application in the light of the SARS-COV 2 infection and complication general theory discoveries, only can shutdown the COVID-19 and other communicable and non-communicable diseases

Author: World Health Committee

The constitution of National Health Committees is addressed to institute in the world public health, in medical education, in biomedical research the Person-Centered Medicine paradigm according to the ethical and epistemological paradigm of “La Charte Mondiale de la Santè-the World Health Charter” (CMS-WHC) and the Universal Declaration for Freedom and Dignity; It realizes its objectives through the organization of Health National Committees

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